To create a form dynamically using JavaScript on fly of the webpage. This which helps to create form and input controls dynamically. [javascript] /* To create form with javascript */ var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute(‘method’,"post"); // form method form.setAttribute(‘action’,"test.php"); // form action url form.setAttribute(‘name’,"frmName"); // form name form.setAttribute(‘id’,"frmId"); // form ID form.setAttribute(‘target’,"_blank"); // form target …
Category: pear php
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Aug 28
Find number of working days between two dates in Mysql
This which helps to find number of working days between two dates in Mysql. There is no specific or inbuilt function in mysql, For that we need to use the SQL query as below. [sql] SELECT 5 * ((DATEDIFF(@end_date, @start_date) ) DIV 7) + MID(‘0123455501234445012333450122234501101234000123450’, 7 * WEEKDAY(@start_date) + WEEKDAY(@end_date) + 1, 1) [/sql] For …
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Feb 05
How to install pear php in ubuntu?
Installing pear php in ubuntu machine helps you to use existing libraries to make our development easy. In terminal, run the following command: [code] sudo apt-get install php-pear [/code]
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