Tag: java

How to create the JAR file

The JAR file format is a compressed format used primarily to distribute Java applications and libraries. It is built on the ZIP file format, and functions in a similar way; many files are compressed and packaged together in a single file, making it easy to distribute the files over a network. If you need to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2014/08/how-to-create-the-jar-file/

How To Install Apache Tomcat 8 on Ubuntu

Apache Tomcat is an open source web server used to deploy and serve JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Java Servlets. This will helps you to install Apache Tomcat 8, Apache Tomcat 8 now has its first stable release: 8.0.9. Follow the steps to install Apache Tomcat 8 on Ubuntu: Step 1: Install Java 7 Before you …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2014/08/how-to-install-apache-tomcat-8-on-ubuntu/

Java Essential Tips: Automatic Resource Management

Java7 introduced many features that simplifies coding which are overhead in older Java versions. In this blog we will see the feature called Automatic Resource Management. This is really a good feature in Java7 which close the resources like IO streams automatically. Everything you need to do is implement java.lang.AutoCloseable. try-with-resources Statement try-with-resources statement simply …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2013/08/java-essential-tips-automatic-resource-management/

Access External Property File in Spring Application Context using PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer

Target Audience: Web Component Developers, Configuration Managers and Deployment Managers What should you know already: J2EE, Spring MVC In an enterprise application we often use property files to share data in Java classes and XML configuration files. The problem is accessing these property files in your code. Whenever you want to read a value out …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2012/11/access-external-property-file-in-spring-application-context-using-propertyplaceholderconfigurer/

Java Essential Tips: How to set null value in Java JDBC PreparedStatement

This Java blog explains how to pass ‘null’ values to PreparedStatement. Passing ‘null’ to primitive data types is little tricky.

Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2012/03/java-essential-tips-how-to-set-null-value-in-java-jdbc-preparedstatement/

Java Essential Tips: Static Import

Static Import Static import is a mechanism to include constants into your code without referring its class in which the constants defined. For example, if you are using Integer.MAX_VALUE or some other constants field of class java.lang.Integer then you could simply use the following static import statement: [java]import static java.lang.Integer.*; class Demo{ public static void …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2012/01/java-essential-tips-static-import/

Scaling Image Using Java

This blog explains how to scale up or down an image using Java Advanced Image (JAI) API.

Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2011/07/scaling-image-using-java/

How to read XML document using JSTL

JSTL allows the JSP developers to use simple logic and iterative code in the form of tags rather than typical Java code in JSP. In this article, you will know about how to parse XML document using JSTL XML tags.

Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2011/07/how-to-read-xml-document-using-jstl/

Java Essential Tips: Display JFrame in Center of the Screen

Target Audience: Java Beginners, Java Swing Developers What should you know already? Basics of Java Swing The beginners of Java might query “How do I display JFrame in center of screen?” on Google quite frequently. JFrame is the top level container in Swing API to show your GUI application. Commonly, there are 2 methods available …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2011/05/java-essential-tip-display-jframe-in-center-of-the-screen/

Java Essestial Tips: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when Delete Elements From JList

Target Audience: Java Beginners, Java UI Developers, Swing Developers What should you know already? Java Swing API When you work around Java Swing UI components, especially JList, JTable or JComboBox, you should give your attention more than the attention you are giving for other components. Because these components are not just a single control, it …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2011/05/java-essestial-tips-arrayindexoutofboundsexception-when-delete-elements-from-jlist/