Category: Uncategorized

Attachment Failed on Gmail using Firefox 32

Recently I was faced problem while attaching document on gmail using firefox browser. I was followed the below steps to resolve the problem in my firefox v32.0.3 browser. Step 1: In Firefox address bar, type “about:config”. Step 2: Agree to warranty warning. Step 3: In search area type “network.http.spdy”, It will list the filtered result …

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How to read large XML files efficiently using PHP?

Recently I was faced problem of parsing large XML file using PHP. While parsing small files are no problem and all its quickly parsed, an attempt to parse larger files often causes time-out or Internal Sever Error. We will not able to use DOM or SimpleXML extension to parse the large XML documents in PHP. …

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Create URL Slug from Post Title using PHP

The following functions will helps to create search engine optimization url for the website. This will strip all the special characters and punctuation away from the URL and place hyphen in between each words. For acheving the required results, used regular expression function that replaces spaces between words with hyphens and its remove the special …

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How To Install Apache Tomcat 8 on Ubuntu

Apache Tomcat is an open source web server used to deploy and serve JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Java Servlets. This will helps you to install Apache Tomcat 8, Apache Tomcat 8 now has its first stable release: 8.0.9. Follow the steps to install Apache Tomcat 8 on Ubuntu: Step 1: Install Java 7 Before you …

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What is Internationalization and localization?

One of the best way to reach larger audience across the globe is to have your applications in multiple languages. It is essential to understand some terminology. What is Internationalization? Internationalization refers to the ability of an application to be localized. What is Localization? The term localization refers to the adaptation of an application to …

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Yii & google map integration

Now the yii and google map integration become easy with this super extension JQUERY-MAP. Extension url :

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Turn off resize textarea

It is very easy to turn off the users ability to resize the textarea. To turn off this feature, use the following css code. This is used to remove the users ability to resize the textarea. [css] textarea{resize: none} [/css] The two properties that can be used are max-width and max-height. This will give the …

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MySQL: Get total number of rows when using LIMIT

A SELECT statement may include a LIMIT clause to restrict the number of rows return by the MySQL server. In some cases, it is desirable to know how many rows the SELECT statement would have returned without the LIMIT. To obtain the row count by include SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS option in the SELECT statement, and then execute …

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PHP Automatic Session Logout

Automatic logout script if users have inactive more than 15 minutes [php] <?php session_start(); $inactive = 900; // Set timeout period in seconds if (isset($_SESSION[‘timeout’])) { $session_life = time() – $_SESSION[‘timeout’]; if ($session_life > $inactive) { session_destroy(); header("Location: logoutpage.php"); } } $_SESSION[‘timeout’] = time(); ?> [/php]

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