Category: Windows

Microsoft Windows operating system.

YII Command tool not working

Problem: YII Command tool was not working in the newly created YII application, While using the below command in the command prompt not getting any respond, but normally its work with other YII application. Every path has been configured correctly and not getting any errors. /var/www/yii-1.1.16/framework/yiic shell Screenshot: Solution: This caused due to access rules …

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MySQL Error, “java.sql.SQLException: Value ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’ can not be represented as java.sql.Timestamp” on ColdFusion 11

Issue: Queries to MySQL may return the error, “java.sql.SQLException: Value ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’ can not be represented as java.sql.Timestamp” or similar. This error appears when using the Adobe ColdFusion MySQL 5 JDBC driver. Reason: This error occurs when the MySQL Date or DateTime columns have a value of all zeros (for example, ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’). The default …

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Attachment Failed on Gmail using Firefox 32

Recently I was faced problem while attaching document on gmail using firefox browser. I was followed the below steps to resolve the problem in my firefox v32.0.3 browser. Step 1: In Firefox address bar, type “about:config”. Step 2: Agree to warranty warning. Step 3: In search area type “network.http.spdy”, It will list the filtered result …

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How to read large XML files efficiently using PHP?

Recently I was faced problem of parsing large XML file using PHP. While parsing small files are no problem and all its quickly parsed, an attempt to parse larger files often causes time-out or Internal Sever Error. We will not able to use DOM or SimpleXML extension to parse the large XML documents in PHP. …

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How to remove Ubuntu option on the Windows Boot Manager menu?

Recently I have installed ubuntu using Wubi (Ubuntu installer) side by side with windows 7, After that I have uninstalled ubuntu successfully. However when I boot my machine, the Windows Boot Manager will displayed both Windows and Ubuntu. I have followed the below steps to remove Ubuntu from the Windows Boot Manager option: Step 1: …

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MySQL zerofill and lpad – Shape digits in DB

I’m working with an application to have the item code. Item code column is set as an INT(5) but not all the item code values are 5 digits. So I need to round off the item code based on 5-digits. If the item code is 199, it should be display as 00199. How to make …

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Create URL Slug from Post Title using PHP

The following functions will helps to create search engine optimization url for the website. This will strip all the special characters and punctuation away from the URL and place hyphen in between each words. For acheving the required results, used regular expression function that replaces spaces between words with hyphens and its remove the special …

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Best way to order the best matching records in MySQL

If we are searching a word (string) in the mysql table, usually we will use the below method: [sql] SELECT * FROM user WHERE name LIKE ‘%searchstring%’ ORDER BY name ASC; [/sql] If you search like this, It will order the result set based on the ASC of name. It will not order the result …

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How to save an image of the highcharts on the server?

Highcharts have a built-in option to export the current chart, it have the option to save the chart as PNG, JPEG, PDF or SVG. It doesn’t have option to save the image on the server, instead of downloading in browser (clinet). To save an image of the highcharts on the server, follow the steps: Step …

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How to create the JAR file

The JAR file format is a compressed format used primarily to distribute Java applications and libraries. It is built on the ZIP file format, and functions in a similar way; many files are compressed and packaged together in a single file, making it easy to distribute the files over a network. If you need to …

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