This may seem obvious, but a Rails application is essentially ruby code that will have to be run. Make sure your code is efficient from a Ruby standpoint. Take a look at your code and ask yourself if some refactoring is in order, keeping in mind performance considerations and algorithmic efficiency. Profiling tools are, of …
Tag: Rails
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Nov 28
Group operations in a transaction
ActiveRecord wraps the creation or update of a record in a single transaction. Multiple inserts will then generate many transactions (one for each insert). Grouping multiple inserts in one single transaction will speed things up. Insead of: my_collection.each do |q| Report.create({:phrase => q}) end Use: Report.transaction do my_collection.each do |q| Report.create({:phrase => q}) end end …
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Nov 22
Refresh / Redirection
When you need your web page automatic refresh in 5 second or any second, use this meta tag. It’s a simple code, put it between HEAD tag in your web page. This script easy but powerful. <HEAD> <meta http-equiv=’refresh’ content=’2;url=’file_name or URL’> </HEAD> // content = time (second) // file_name = name of file you …
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