Ubuntu 11.04 – Available for download April 28, 2011 onwards.

Canonical announced the release of Ubuntu a fast-growing open-source operating system on April 28, 2011 for public download. Ubuntu 11.04 stands out from its competitors as a genuine free alternative to Windows, allowing users to personalise their PC with free and paid apps in a way that’s proven hugely popular in the smartphone and tablet market.

Ubuntu 11.04 introduces Unity interface, which is meant to be easier to use and more beautiful than previous editions. This version incorporates graphics that is inspired by smartphone and tablet design thinking.
ubuntu 11.04

Users who install Ubuntu 11.04 will find a clean workspace with a launcher on the left hand side of the screen.

The same interface can be used on a netbook, notebook or desktop PC. Ubuntu 11.04 will support Touch screens are fully supported in Ubuntu 11.04

In addition, Ubuntu is the first operating system support the Rupee Symbol, which has recently been approved by the India government to be used in PC.

Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2011/04/ubuntu-11-04-available-for-download-april-28-2011-onwards/

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