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Cassandra basic commands:

Create keyspace: create keyspace Keyspace1; Create column family: // This command is used to create column family and mention comparator, default_validation_class and key_validation_class to insert rows for undefined column. create column family column_family1 with comparator=UTF8Type and default_validation_class=UTF8Type and key_validation_class=UTF8Type; Update column family: update column family column_family1 with column_metadata = [ {column_name: first, validation_class: UTF8Type}, {column_name: …

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Export Hive data into CSV file

Use the following command used to export hive data into CSV file. set = CSVTextFile; INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY ‘dir_path’ SELECT FIELD1, FIELD2, FIELD3 FROM TABLE1;

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How to reload your bashrc file

How to reload your bashrc file Here’s a quick way to reload your bachrc file without having to invoke a new shell. [code] [root@user]# source ~/.bashrc or [root@user]# . ~/.bashrc [/code]

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How to find php exec() function run without error

Use the following method to trace exec() function in PHP. Syntax: [php] exec($command, $output, $return_value); [/php] example1: [php] $command = "ls"; exec($command, $output, $return_value); // $output will contains list of files as array. // $return_value will be zero. [/php] Output: Array ( [0] => File1.txt [1] => File2.txt ) 0 example2: [php] $command = "l2"; …

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dpkg status database is locked by another process

This problem will arise when you accidentally kill the apt-get process or package manager not shutting down properly. So, dpkg become orphan process. To solve this problem you can either restart your computer or open up the terminal and type in the following: Code: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock Then: Code: sudo dpkg –configure -a

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Access External Property File in Spring Application Context using PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer

Target Audience: Web Component Developers, Configuration Managers and Deployment Managers What should you know already: J2EE, Spring MVC In an enterprise application we often use property files to share data in Java classes and XML configuration files. The problem is accessing these property files in your code. Whenever you want to read a value out …

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Base 64, Part 2: Padding

Well, Part 1 of this blog explained about the basics of base 64, here I would like to discuss more about base 64. Base 64 Padding I’m starting from example rather explaining in words. In Part 1 I took 3 letter word ‘man’ to explain, now I am taking a 4 letter word ‘many’. Lets …

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Base 64, Part 1: How and basics

Base 64 is an encoding method. It is used in many internet protocols and SMTP emails. One of the widest usage of base 64 in SMTP protocol is all binary file attachments are base 64 representation of its original data. It neither compress nor encrypt data, just encodes using the 64 alphabets shown in Table …

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Disable foreign key checks in MySQL

Disabling foreign key checks in MySQL is usefull when you are dealing with tables that use foreign keys (InnoDB engine). You can not delete (drop) multiple tables, a parent table or a child table until you disable foreign key checks four your current database. The sql command to disable foreign key checks is: [sql]SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS …

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