Category: Linux

Using find command in linux

Using find command in linux find is a powerful command in linux. If u understand it then u can do most thing using it. but in this post i am not going to teach the full power of  it but some basic usage. This is a simple one finding any .txt file in the home …

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Get your free personal cloud -Ubuntu One

Introduction to Ubuntu One: Ubuntu One is a personal cloud for everyone. It’s just like syncing files, notes and contacts. You can access your contacts, notes or bookmarks from any computer or the web. The mind blowing thing in it is you can enjoy accessing your favorite music or stuff from a your iPhone and …

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Linux gzip and gunzip commands

gzip: gzip compresses files in linux and unix. If given a file as an argument, gzip compresses the file, adds a “.gz” suffix, and deletes the original file. With no arguments, gzip compresses the standard input and writes the compressed file to standard output( use “>” to redirect to a file). Examples:Compress the file named …

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UBUNTU the Best Linux Desktop Distribution

There are a lot of Linux distributions that have the primary focus of becoming the next best desktop replacement for Windows or OS X. Canonical’s UBUNTU is the great and most contentious group of distro which offers 4 kinds of desktop and special edition for laptops and Live Distros. you can download ubuntu from the …

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Linux and its Advantages

Linux is an operating system that was initially created as a hobby by a young student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Linus had an interest in Minix, a small UNIX system, and decided to develop a system that exceeded the Minix standards. He began his work in 1991 when he released …

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