Category: XML

How to read XML document using JSTL

JSTL allows the JSP developers to use simple logic and iterative code in the form of tags rather than typical Java code in JSP. In this article, you will know about how to parse XML document using JSTL XML tags.

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Read and Write an XML File using PHP

How to read and write xml document with php’s DOMDocument. The DOM extension allows you to operate on XML documents through the DOM API with PHP 5. For better understanding, I have written comment for almost every line of code. XML Code: file name – employee.xml [xml] <?xml version="1.0"?> <employees> <employee id="1" name="Albert"><age>34</age><![CDATA[ Employee details …

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Create an RSS feed with PHP

Having an RSS feed on your website is a great way of sharing your content with the rest of the Internet. It’s not a new technology and it’s probably something that you use on a daily basis. If you have a blog or use any form of CMS, that software will most likely handle the …

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Registering XML Schema to IBM DB2 pureXML

Target Audience: DBA, DB Developers What you should know: XML, XML Schema, Understanding of IBM DB2 pureXML DB2 is unrivaled in its ability to manage both relational and XML data, enabling strong runtime performance and high levels of development time and cost savings. By integrating XML data intact into a relational database structure, users can …

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Who Uses XML?

Introduction XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is self-describing. XML tags act as metadata, describing each element. The main purpose is for information exchange between organizations, applications, services, processes, etc. Who Uses XML? Financial FIXML Financial Information eXchange Protocol FPML Financial Product ML FUNDSML Funds Markup Language XBRL eXtensible Business Markup Language Publication …

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