Dear Way2sms API Followers, Recently I have received “INFRINGEMENT NOTICE” from Way2SMS for providing API. I have attached that mail content for your reference. So, that I cannot support you guys on future. Thanks for using this blog.


Dear Respondent,

Without prejudice, this is with reference to the illegal APIs.

We, M/s Way2online Interactive India Private Limited an Information Technology Company, which owns http://way2sms.com andhttp://www.160by2.com and other websites as well (hereinafter referred as to way2sms and 160by2 or websites), which promotes Way2online Interactive India’s wireless products and services. We offer free SMS service to our registered users throughhttp://way2sms.com andhttp://www.160by2.com, whereby the users can communicate information to their known persons. The above said websites act as a venue, which allows to its registered users to communicate information, at any time, from anywhere, within India and overseas. The name in itself is much respected and known for its high quality of service in its domain. We claims the ownership of all the Intellectual Property Rights vested in way2sms and 160by2 including all patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill, rights of publicity, trade secrets and other rights.

It is observed that, your illegal APIs provide a means to bypass measures that effectively control access to our protected work, and allow registered users of www.way2sms.com & www.160by2.com to send sms through the said apps using www.Way2SMS.com & www.160by2.com SMS gateways.

1. http://thaangaraj.blogspot.in/

2. https://blog.openshell.in/author/thangaraj/

As a first step of our legal action, we would request you to initiate required measures to terminate complete access to the said illegal APIs and other such access to connect through www.way2sms.com and www.160by2.com with immediate effect.

If you refuse to honor our request or if you continue to do infringement, you are liable for all the damage claims including and not limited to financial, brand identity, reputation, copyright, trademark, any rights and remedies available to the company.

Further submitted that you are liable for committing identity theft, cheating by personation and the said offences as punishable under Sections 65, 66, 66-C and 66-D of the Information Technology Act, 2000.

Further, you are liable for committing these deceptive acts which also constitute the offence punishable as Cheating, Cheating by personation, Mischief, Forgery, Making a false electronic document, Forgery for the purpose of cheating, Forgery for the purpose of harming reputation, Using as genuine a forged document or electronic record, Having possession of document knowing it to be forged and intending to use it as genuine, the offences as punishable under Section 417, 419, 426, 464, 465, 468, 469, 471, 474 and read with section 120- B of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.

Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2013/11/way2sms-api-infringement-notice/

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