SXDA Entries

SXDA entries are used to link our custom program & structure to the LSMW tool. There are four entities. SXDA0 – Specify whether Batch/Direct IP. SXDA1-Specify the Custom Program. SXDA2-Specify the Custom Structure. SXDA3-Specify the fields/values for that custom structure.

Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2011/04/sxda-entries/

LSMW recording vs BDC recording

LSMW RECORDING The LSMW recorder is much simplified when compared to the SHDB recorder: It always start with default options (update mode A, no default size, use BDC mode (SY-BINPT is ‘X’), do not simulate background mode (SY-BATCH is space), and SY-CALLD is set to ‘X’). In LSMW recording, BDC_OKCODE and BDC_CURSOR fields cannot be …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.openshell.in/2011/03/lsmw-recording-vs-bdc-recording/