
Target Audience: Analysts, Designers, Project Managers,Team Members, System Integrators

Requirement Management

When you develop software products, failing to manage requirements decreases the probability of meeting the project objectives. Rational RequisitePro helps you manage project requirements.

Requirement Management is the process of eliciting, organizing and documenting requirements of the system. A requirements management process establishes and maintains agreement between the customer and team regarding changing requirements of the system.

What is Rational RequisitePro?

Rational RequisitePro

  • is a requirements management tool
  • enables you to track relationships between requirements
  • provides functionality to analyze the impact of changes to requirements

RequisitePro is integrated with Microsoft Word for creating document-based requirements. Team members use RequisitePro to:

  • plan projects by creating and editing requirements and requirements documents
  • gather, organize and document requirements
  • manage requirements
  • communicate with team members and stakeholders
  • perform project administrative tasks

Benefits of Rational RequisitePro

  • Maintains documents with the requirements dynamically linked to a database which enables sort and query capabilities
  • Identifies the impact of change with traceability features and impact analysis queries
    • scope management and resource allocation decisions
  • Integrates requirements with other life cycle artifacts and processes
    • clear communication accross tools and teams

Rational RequisitePro provides a groundwork for organizing and efficiently managing requirements and project document information

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