Canonical announced the release of Ubuntu a fast-growing open-source operating system on April 28, 2011 for public download. Ubuntu 11.04 stands out from its competitors as a genuine free alternative to Windows, allowing users to personalise their PC with free and paid apps in a way that’s proven hugely popular in the smartphone and tablet …
April 2011 archive
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Apr 26
Difference between $this and self?
Inside a class definition, $this refers to the current object, while self refers to the current class. It is necessary to refer to a class element using self, and refer to an object element using $this. self::STAT // refer to a constant like this self::$stat // static variable $this->stat // refer to an object variable …
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Apr 26
What is the difference between padding and margins?
Margins and padding can be confusing to the web designer. After all, in some ways, they seem like the same thing white space around an image or object. Padding is the space inside the border between the border and the actual image or cell contents. In the image, the padding is the yellow area around …
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Apr 26
Double and Triple equals operator in PHP
Have you been given a piece of code to maintain that has single, double and triple equal operators in it? What’s the difference? Single Equals A single equal sign in PHP is an assignment operator. It assigns the value of the right side to the variable on the left side. For example: $name = “jon”; …
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Apr 16
SXDA Entries
SXDA entries are used to link our custom program & structure to the LSMW tool. There are four entities. SXDA0 – Specify whether Batch/Direct IP. SXDA1-Specify the Custom Program. SXDA2-Specify the Custom Structure. SXDA3-Specify the fields/values for that custom structure.
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Apr 10
Include a file and store contents to variable
This very handy feature of PHP which allows you to include a file but store the contents of the included file to a variable. This is particularly useful for PHP scripts and software which output content to a page by using variables. Many CMSs are built like this. The principal behind this solution is to …
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Apr 08
JLayer component
The JLayer class is a flexible and powerful decorator for Swing components, which enables you to implement various advanced painting effects as well as receive notifications of all AWTEvents generated within its borders. It enables you to draw on components and respond to component events without modifying the underlying component directly. JLayer is a good solution if …
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