Category: J2EE

Java 2 Enterprise Edition

Access External Property File in Spring Application Context using PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer

Target Audience: Web Component Developers, Configuration Managers and Deployment Managers What should you know already: J2EE, Spring MVC In an enterprise application we often use property files to share data in Java classes and XML configuration files. The problem is accessing these property files in your code. Whenever you want to read a value out …

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How to read XML document using JSTL

JSTL allows the JSP developers to use simple logic and iterative code in the form of tags rather than typical Java code in JSP. In this article, you will know about how to parse XML document using JSTL XML tags.

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Exception Handling Provided by Struts

Exception Handling Capabilities of Struts Target Audience: J2EE Developers, Web Component Developers What you should know already: MVC Design Pattern, Struts Framework, Struts configuration file Exception handling is very crucial part in Web application development. Throwing an exception is Java’s way of informing the client that something has gone wrong while doing a certain processing …

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Java Design Pattern

Design Patterns are recurring solutions to design problems. The 23 design patterns included in Design Patterns all had several known applications and were on a middle level of generality, where they could easily cross application areas and encompass several objects. These patterns are divided into 3 types. Creational Patterns: create objects for you, rather than …

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Multiple Message Resource Bundle in Struts 1

Target Audience: Web Developer, Web Component Developer What you should know already: Struts Web Framework, MVC Pattern, Knowledge of struts-config.xml file Introduction The message resource class in Struts allows the developer internationalizing web application easy and fast. The user can put labels of fields or description text in a central file and can access them later in the JSP …

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MVC is a design pattern. It contains two models. MVC Model 1 and MVC Model 2. Struts framework implements MVC Design Pattern. Struts can implement Model 1 and Model 2. Model 2 most properly describes the application of MVC in a Web-Application context. Features of MVC1 Architecture: (1) HTML or JSP files are used to …

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Configuring JNDI data source in Tomcat

By using Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) service, one can connect resources of different technologies. A typical web application in Tomcat has a file called as context.xml in which the context path (root) of the web application is defined. Usually this file is located in META-INF directory of you web application (see figure 1). …

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